
Utopian Turtletop. Monsieur Croche's Bête Noire. Contact: turtletop [at] hotmail [dot] com

Monday, January 28, 2008

(the blogger with his late beloved grandma, an excellent pianist)

A week ago I decided to slow the pace of posting here in order to concentrate on my music and on writing longer things. During the week following, I wrote a new song from start to finish and performed it at an open mike (and people sang along on the choruses, very gratifying), made progress on securing a show for April, made progress on finishing up an old recording project, lost most of a night of sleep to take part in the annual one night homeless street count (an emotionally complex experience for sure), and caught two nights and part of one day of the marvelous Icebreaker festival of new music produced and performed by Seattle Chamber Players, where I met Kyle Gann and a flock of other wonderful musicians (birds of a feather).

More to say about the festival (I was really tired when I posted last night, and still am), but I need to get back to work on securing that April gig, finishing old projects, and writing new songs, so it may have to wait. Except: In addition to the people I’ve already mentioned having enjoyed meeting at the festival, I feel compelled to say that I also very much enjoyed meeting and talking with composers John Luther Adams, Anna Clyne, Elodie Lauten, and DJ Tamara, the DJ for William Duckworth’s Cathedral. It was also a pleasure to pay my compliments to others of the composers and performers with whom I crossed paths and would have loved to have spoken further.

In the meantime, here is what music I have available on the web. I have hopes of making more available in the coming months, but what has already been available has been pointlessly scattered until now. Here it is (all of it free).

* links to MP3s of the collage soundtrack I made for my friend Ross Lipman’s experimental film, 10-17-88, which we made in 1989

* links to MP3s of two topical songs I recorded during the 2000 presidential election contest

* a setting of a part of the letter Scooter Libby wrote to journalist Judith Miller, urging her answer a subpoena so that she could leave jail (you have to listen to an ad from NPR first -- sorry!)

* four songs that my current band recorded a few years ago

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