
Utopian Turtletop. Monsieur Croche's BĂȘte Noire. Contact: turtletop [at] hotmail [dot] com

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Went to the food co-op yesterday and saw the tribute wall to the two murdered workers. Lots of flowers, lots of notes, and happy pictures of the two men. A memorable picture of the sweet, shy man with whom I had conversed showed him with long, attractive hair (I'd only known him with short hair) and lipstick, sitting somewhere, dressed unostentatiously, and he looked so happy.

I fought back tears -- at times unsuccessfully -- all through the grocery.

The regular cashiers haven't been there the two times I've gone this week. (Neither of the victims were cashiers.) They always dote on my son, talking to him, giving him stickers; I wonder whether they'll be back to work. I know my son will ask about them if they don't. I hope I don't cry if he does.

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