
Utopian Turtletop. Monsieur Croche's BĂȘte Noire. Contact: turtletop [at] hotmail [dot] com

Monday, March 20, 2006

The African American churches took a central role in yesterday's peace march in Tacoma. One of the ministers gave one of two pre-march speeches; it was brief and very good. Probably about 5 minutes total of speeches before the march. Brilliant. I swear, I've been to marches where the speeches lasted more than an hour of unmelodious tiresome harangue, and people left. This march ended up at a community center, where there were more speeches and music, but my beloved spouse had to go to work, so we skipped it.

My beloved spouse and son made the sign. It was Mr. Jumping Chocolate Pudding's idea to use cut-out stars to make the peace sign, and adding a heart was his idea too. "Peace for love!" he said.

The black thing in this guy's shopping cart is an amp; it's hooked up to a car battery in the lower part of the cart. An iPod is plugged into the amp. New technology and old technology bringing us the tunes.

It's good to stand up and be counted, to show the world that not every American supports this grotesquerie. How many more American dead, and how many even more Iraqi? And for what?
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